Valencia is much more than sun and beach. In the interior you will find rivers with crystal-clear water, water reservoirs to swim, fish and play.
Casa Lucía is in the perfect place to discover all of that:
you can swim in a different place every single day with short trips. You can also enjoy
the local swimming pools. If you prefer the beach, you have many choices just one hour away from the house.
A different holiday experience, far from crowded places, in the middle of nature and
Combine tourism and swimming on the same day:
discover little towns and surprising places. Here’s a few:
- The river beach in Casas del Río, next to the historical waterwheel still working today.
- Some cliff jumping in Charcas del Ral.
- El Reatillo and El charco de las Lumbres, with a fountain and a small pic-nic place.
- El Barranco de la Hoz and the Buseo reservoir. A great day in Chera.
- Charco Azul in Chulilla.
- Sot de Chera: river beach and Toscas.
- Contreras reservoir: fishing, sailing and Bolb-Jump!
- The rivers Bohilgues and Ebrón in Ademuz: cold, pure water.
- Valdocañas, under the historical bridge above the Cabriel
Approximate prices:
Seven nights in Casa Lucía - 1750€ (up to 10 people)
Others: as much or as little as you want.